Justinian’s Fortress, also known simply as the Castle of Tirana, is a remnant of the Byzantine era located not far from Skanderbeg Square, near the Parliament and Academy of Sciences. With six-metre high walls, it stands as an impressive structure, steeped in history dating back to before 1300. In December 2018 the castle was opened to visitors who, although they may find very little castle to see, can still experience some of its grandeur.

The interior of the castle has been converted into the “Old Bazaar”; an area where modern and tradition meet. Here one can find shops that offer a variety of goods as well as traditional cooking culinary environment. It also serves as a cultural and arts area with events like exhibitions and workshops taking place annually.

Situated at the heart if Tirana – where main east-west and north-south roads crossed – Justinian’s Fortress holds great significance for locals and tourists alike. The main attraction for visitors is walking along Murat Toptani Street which was carefully designed to incorporate the foundations of recently exposed walls from the fortress itself. This allows viewers to get up close and appreciate what remains of this amazing piece of history while providing them with unique cultural experience at the same time.

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